AutoSPInstaller – SharePoint Installation & Configuration Made Simple

I have completely abandoned installing and doing initial SharePoint configuration the old-fashioned hard way using a lethal mix of installers, Central Admin, PowerShell and an easily distracted mind.

I now use AutoSPInstaller from CodePlex to make all my SharePoint installation and configuration tasks a breeze. OK that is a lie because using AutoSPInstaller is also very hard as it requires you to painstakingly hand code an unforgiving XML configuration file using an IntelliSenseless tool such as Notepad.


Fortunately for us Ivan Josipovic found the time to create AutoSPInstallerGUI which makes creating the AutoSPInstaller XML files a walk in the park. Thanks Ivan!


AutoSPInstaller is a set of PowerShell scripts which use the XML configuration file to install all the SharePoint components including Service Packs, Cumulative Updates etc. The scripts will then setup the managed accounts, create and configure all the service applications, search topology, user profile synchronization, web applications, site collections and bunch of other configurations typically done on a new farm such as IIS, ULS and usage log settings, object cache accounts, email settings, etc.

Plus it sets up all the SharePoint databases using sensible naming conventions. No crazy GUID database names. It shocked me too. Crazy idea not having a GUID in the name, but somehow it works. Clearly these AutoSPInstaller guys are not destined for jobs at Microsoft.


It also allows you to do remote parallel installation and configuration of all the servers in a farm. Actually this is where AutoSPInstaller and I had a fight. Unfortunately documentation for the tool is well non-existent really. The community has put together some documentation but none of it explains how to use AutoSPInstaller to configure multiple servers in a farm. I struggled with this for quite and while and then realized I was wasting more time to get this to work then it would take me to manually configure the additional servers. This is not something I have had the time to figure out, but despite this problem AutoSPInstaller has been a huge time saver in setting up servers in a consistent manner.

Once you have created a configuration file for a farm it is easy to reuse this for other similar farms or for different environments; production, staging, QA. The configuration file can safely be re-run multiple times to fix issues or rebuild parts of the farm you may have removed. For instance you can delete a web application, site collection or a service application and re-run the script to recreate it. I also find that the configuration file acts as documentation of everything done to setup and configure a farm.

AutoSPInstaller and AutoSPInstallerGUI are huge time savers and are now part of my essential SharePoint toolkit.